善於組合不同食材與加入特殊調味的精巧手法延續著,帶來不同於一般壽司店的美味。 白肉魚包裹著紫蘇葉與海膽一起放入口中,綿密的海膽滋味帶有魚肉的彈性與紫蘇香氣,一般少見的壽司捏製手法帶來不同的美食體驗。
滿肚子的魚生壽司之後,再來碗以甜蝦頭現煮的味噌湯,鮮甜濃郁的蝦頭精華與味噌融合成口齒留香的美味。吃到這裡算是 omakase 內容的告一段落,感覺肚裡還有空間,請師傅繼續捏製,水針魚跟小鯽魚等銀皮魚食材,只要店家有供應,查理就會想點來吃,這種銀皮魚無論是用醋醃製或是直接生食,是最能更看出一家壽司店功力的食材之一。
Ootoro 午餐介紹請按此
Ootoro Omakase 介紹請按此
Ootoro Sushi
1569 Fairway Dr
Walnut, CA 91789
(909) 598-8299
2222 Michelson Dr, #246
Irvine, CA 92612
I've been here before... they have the best sushi !! love it !!
回覆刪除I've been going to Toros Japanese restaurant in Alhambra for the past 4 years... The quality & the selection are simply superb!
回覆刪除I don't eat fresh raw fish (sashimi) before. I only eat sushi and tempura. Since I ate here last week, I have to tell you that it changed my view about sashimi because of their high and outstanding quality. I will bring my friends and family here. We have to spread out the good news for others to enjoy.
回覆刪除i jus wana know how much did u spend for this meal~ so i know de budget~
回覆刪除I spent around $130/ppl, but now they offer $95 special price for Omakase, same fresh fish and great food with lower price, worthy to try
刪除Hi, is the 130$ same portion as the $95 special? also, I saw that you have been to many great sushi place, which one would you recommend if you can only choose 1? or can you give me your ranking from your first choice to the last? thank you very much for sharing your experience!
刪除I used to communicate with the chef before eating, so the sushi I had might be different than regular omakase menu, also the cost. I wonder if you can tell me your budget, so that I can give you a good recommendation. Again, thank you for visiting my blog! =)
回覆刪除You blog has great information, I thank you! my budget is $150-$200 per person, however, for really good ones, I am willing to spend $300 per person. So what do you recommend?
刪除For $150 and under: Miura (highly recommend, reasonable price but very good quality), sushi shibucho, Kiyokawa, Ohshima, Kanpachi Sushi, Sushi Ichi, Sushi Murasaki, and for $150-$200: Ootoros, sushi sushi, and if your budget is more than $300, Urasawa is a must try ($375/ppl). For $150-$200 range, I believe that Sushi Zo and Moru Sushi are both good places to go to enjoy high quality sushi, but I haven't tried them yet. Also, I heard that San Shi Go and nana san are both good sushi joint for $150 and under range.