南加美食:Philippe the Original - Los Angeles, CA

在台灣,具有在地代表性的小吃美食,許多人都可以琅琅上口地談論著,但查理在美國居住的這幾年,對於 洛杉磯 具有在地代表性的美食仍然還在一個探索的階段,因為幅員廣大的洛杉磯特色美食多如繁星。之前查理已經介紹過,以大尺寸和多種獨創口味熱狗出名的 Pink's Hot Dog、廣受名人愛戴的老牌漢堡店 The Apple Pan、以及位於洛杉磯市中心以煙燻牛肉三明治聞名的 Langer's 等知名老店,今天介紹這家以 French Dip Sandwiches 沾醬牛肉三明治站穩「洛杉磯在地美食」地位的老店,其自1908年創業至今已經百多年的歷史和盛名,則是其中數一數二。




根據 餐廳官方網站 的介紹,將麵包沾上肉汁作成三明治的原創來自於無心插柳的小插曲,沒想到三明治卻因此大受歡迎。從早上六點半就開始供應早餐,到晚上十點半關店,烤牛肉、豬肉、火腿、羊腿肉、火雞肉三明治是主打的商品,再加上各式各樣廣受歡迎的美式家常菜。




牛肉三明治搭配厚片的瑞士起司,奶香與肉汁的組合,沾滿肉汁的麵包外酥內軟,喜歡這種口感的顧客還可以要求"double dip" 讓麵包沾上更多肉汁。牛肉的調味吃起來比想像中的清淡,口感軟嫩多汁,搭配口味濃郁的瑞士起司剛好。



"In 1951, when Philippe's closed its doors on Aliso Street, Matt Weinstock, then a reporter for the Los Angeles Daily News wrote ". . . Philippe's was something special. It had sawdust on the floor and cracks in the wall but you didn't care. You went there for the luscious French-dipped sandwich, the boiled eggs, the hot mustard, the potato salad, the cole slaw, the immense hunks of pie, the always hot mugs of coffee. You also woke up at night, maybe thousands of miles away, yearning for one of those sandwiches."

More than 35 years later, Merrill Shindler of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner wrote, ". . . Philippe's is more than food. It's one of those marvelous phenomenon's I find myself constantly drawn to in an effort to connect with a bit of L.A.'s too often ignored past. . . What can I say? It's Philippe's. It's the Original--and it always will be."

And finally, MacDonald Harris of the New York Times ("Real food in L.A.," March 1990) wrote, "There is an air of camaraderie among the customers, a kind of unspoken friendliness and consideration that's rare in a big city . . . The customers are people of all kinds: shoppers, residents of nearby Chinatown, businessmen, Amtrak workers from the station, people who have been coming here for years and are now bringing their children. More than any other place I can think of, Philippe's typifies the democratic spirit of Los Angeles . . ."

下回有朋友問道「代表洛杉磯的在地美食」時,相信「Philippe the Original」是一個不會錯的答案。

Philippe the Original
1001 N Alameda St
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 628-3781


2 則留言:

  1. 想請問Philippe The Original官網寫早餐供應時段為0600-1030,若是在早餐這時段去,吃得到除了早餐外的餐點嗎?

    1. 是的,各種口味的三明治與熟食在早上九點後應該都有推出。九點前是牛肉和火腿的三明治。
